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We will diligently and zealously seek a resolution that is just, equitable and favorable. Despite our expertise and efforts, however, it is possible at times, that the client’s goals cannot be achieved. This result may occur for various reasons. Therefore, there are no assurances or guarantees of the outcome of our work, both during the investigative or the legal segments of our work.

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    "Haggai virtually dominated the courtroom and handily defeated the opposing counsel."

- A memo from a top U.S. diplomat in the U.S. Embassy in Israel to the U.S Department of Justice.
    "Although the lawsuit was totally unjustified, we thought it would be difficult to defend, but Haggai devised a brilliant defense strategy that worked perfectly."

- A memo from a top U.S. diplomat in the U.S. Embassy in Israel to the U.S Department of Justice.